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readme file
## Prequirements:
1. install editor like vscode
1. install git
1. install xampp
1. Navicat
1. install node.js LTS (last version)
## How to start:
1. login to
1. clone willa into your root folder
1. create new folder ```/modules``` in root project folder
1. clone core, common, ... in this folder with `wm-` prefix
1. run ```composer i``` if error is ```'compsoer' is not recognized as ``` Goto Composer Section in this document
1. run ```npm i```
1. restore database with your new .env file. **if had error refer to MySql Section**
1. run: ```npm run dev```
1. run php artisan migrate or Goto: Host Meshkee.local Section
1. run ```php artisan key:generate```
1. run ```php artisan passport:install```
1. before login you need to set username and password for this Meshkee.local business by
UPDATE `willamall`.`users` SET `cell_number` = 'YOURNUMBER' WHERE `id` = 1
and then set password by
so your password is : ``password``
or generate your own password by
## MySql Section:
1. make sure install Navicat
1. open and connect to mysql
1. open xampp then in mysql admin configuration open ```my.ini```
1. change max_allowed_packet into 16M
Please Note that add it into ```mysqld``` section not ```mysqldump```
Note that we didnt work with mysqldump
## Host Meshkee.local Section:
1. create new virtual host
1. create new host in etc driver folder as local name service
by adding this line of configuration
``` meshkee.local```
into C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
### if it didnt let you to replace host file copy it in desktop, edit it, copy and replace it on host file by copy paste.
## Composer Section:
1. please install and restart vscode
2. add to environment in path in windows
good luck