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175 lines
5.6 KiB

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$Blue: #3498DB;
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$TealBackground: #ffe5e9;
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$colors: (red: $Red, orange: $Orange, yellow: $Yellow, gold: $Gold, purple: $Purple, blue: $Blue, dark-blue: $DarkBlue, green: $Green, cyan: $Cyan, light-gray: $LightGray, gray: $Gray, brown: $Brown, black: $Black, white: $White, tael: $Teal);
$Shadows: (red: $RedShadow, orange: $OrangeShadow, yellow: $YellowShadow, gold: $GoldShadow, purple: $PurpleShadow, blue: $BlueShadow, dark-blue: $DarkBlueShadow, green: $GreenShadow, cyan: $CyanShadow, gray: $GrayShadow, 'grey.lighten-3': $LightGrayShadow, brown: $BrownShadow, black: $BlackShadow, white: $WhiteShadow, teal: $TealShadow);
$backgrounds: (red: $RedBackground, orange: $OrangeBackground, yellow: $YellowBackground, gold: $GoldBackground, purple: $PurpleBackground, blue: $BlueBackground, dark-blue: $DarkBlueBackground, green: $GreenBackground, cyan: $CyanBackground, gray: $GrayBackground, 'grey.lighten-3': $LightGrayBackground, brown: $BrownBackground, black: $BlackBackground, white: $WhiteBackground, teal: $TealBackground);
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