env('MEDIA_DISK', 'media'), /* * The maximum file size of an item in bytes. * Adding a larger file will result in an exception. */ 'max_file_size' => 1024 * 1024 * 10, /* * This queue will be used to generate derived and responsive images. * Leave empty to use the default queue. */ 'queue_name' => '', /* * The fully qualified class name of the media model. */ 'media_model' => WM\Common\Services\Media\Media::class, 's3' => [ /* * The domain that should be prepended when generating urls. */ 'domain' => 'https://cdn.willaspace.com/' . env('MINIO_BUCKET') , ], 'remote' => [ /* * Any extra headers that should be included when uploading media to * a remote disk. Even though supported headers may vary between * different drivers, a sensible default has been provided. * * Supported by S3: CacheControl, Expires, StorageClass, * ServerSideEncryption, Metadata, ACL, ContentEncoding */ 'extra_headers' => [ 'CacheControl' => 'max-age=604800', ], ], 'responsive_images' => [ /* * This class is responsible for calculating the target widths of the responsive * images. By default we optimize for filesize and create variations that each are 20% * smaller than the previous one. More info in the documentation. * * https://docs.spatie.be/laravel-medialibrary/v7/advanced-usage/generating-responsive-images */ 'width_calculator' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\ResponsiveImages\WidthCalculator\FileSizeOptimizedWidthCalculator::class, /* * By default rendering media to a responsive image will add some javascript and a tiny placeholder. * This ensures that the browser can already determine the correct layout. */ 'use_tiny_placeholders' => true, /* * This class will generate the tiny placeholder used for progressive image loading. By default * the medialibrary will use a tiny blurred jpg image. */ 'tiny_placeholder_generator' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\ResponsiveImages\TinyPlaceholderGenerator\Blurred::class, ], /* * When urls to files get generated, this class will be called. Leave empty * if your files are stored locally above the site root or on s3. */ 'url_generator' => env('MEDIA_DISK', 'media') != 'media' ? null : 'WM\Common\Services\Media\UrlGenerator\S3UrlGenerator', /* * Whether to activate versioning when urls to files get generated. * When activated, this attaches a ?v=xx query string to the URL. */ 'version_urls' => false, /* * The class that contains the strategy for determining a media file's path. */ 'path_generator' => 'WM\Common\Services\Media\PathGenerator', /* * Medialibrary will try to optimize all converted images by removing * metadata and applying a little bit of compression. These are * the optimizers that will be used by default. */ 'image_optimizers' => [ Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Jpegoptim::class => [ '--strip-all', // this strips out all text information such as comments and EXIF data '--all-progressive', // this will make sure the resulting image is a progressive one ], Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Pngquant::class => [ '--force', // required parameter for this package ], Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Optipng::class => [ '-i0', // this will result in a non-interlaced, progressive scanned image '-o2', // this set the optimization level to two (multiple IDAT compression trials) '-quiet', // required parameter for this package ], Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Svgo::class => [ '--disable=cleanupIDs', // disabling because it is known to cause troubles ], Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Gifsicle::class => [ '-b', // required parameter for this package '-O3', // this produces the slowest but best results ], ], /* * These generators will be used to create an image of media files. */ 'image_generators' => [ Spatie\MediaLibrary\ImageGenerators\FileTypes\Image::class, Spatie\MediaLibrary\ImageGenerators\FileTypes\Webp::class, Spatie\MediaLibrary\ImageGenerators\FileTypes\Pdf::class, Spatie\MediaLibrary\ImageGenerators\FileTypes\Svg::class, Spatie\MediaLibrary\ImageGenerators\FileTypes\Video::class, ], /* * The engine that should perform the image conversions. * Should be either `gd` or `imagick`. */ 'image_driver' => 'imagick', /* * FFMPEG & FFProbe binaries paths, only used if you try to generate video * thumbnails and have installed the php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg composer * dependency. */ 'ffmpeg_path' => env('FFMPEG_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'), 'ffprobe_path' => env('FFPROBE_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffprobe'), /* * The path where to store temporary files while performing image conversions. * If set to null, storage_path('medialibrary/temp') will be used. */ 'temporary_directory_path' => null, /* * Here you can override the class names of the jobs used by this package. Make sure * your custom jobs extend the ones provided by the package. */ 'jobs' => [ 'perform_conversions' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\Jobs\PerformConversions::class, 'generate_responsive_images' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\Jobs\GenerateResponsiveImages::class, ], 'wm-cdn' => 'https://cdn.willaspace.com', ];