readme file ## Prequirements: 1. install editor like vscode 1. install git 1. install xampp 1. Navicat 1. install node.js LTS (last version) ## Steps: 1. login to 1. clone willa into your root folder 1. create new folder ```/modules in``` root project folder 1. clone core, common, ... in this folder with `wm-` prefix 1. run ```composer i``` 1. run ```npm i``` 1. restore database with your new .env file. **if had error refer to MySql Section** 1. run: ```npm run dev``` 1. run php artisan migrate or Goto: Host Meshkee.local Section 1. run ```php artisan key:generate``` ## MySql Section 1. make sure install Navicat 1. open and connect to mysql 1. open xampp then in mysql admin configuration open mu.ini 1. change max_allowed_packet into 16M ``` [mysqld] max_allowed_packet=16M ``` ## Host Meshkee.local Section 1. create new virtual host 1. create new host in etc driver folder as local name service by adding this line of configuration ``` meshkee.local``` into C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts good luck